''Pomegranate is a drug !!''

Pomegranate is a drug !!

If the mango is the king of fruits, such as pomegranate role is the doctor, who has been a cure for all. This utility testosterone because 'a pomegranate hundred sick' assertion that it is enforcing.
Health perspective it is very important to the fruit. Due to its healthy properties that are consumed every disease. It is believed that regular consumption old process to move on.
Pomegranate richly profitable प्रोटिन,कार्बोहाइड्रेट,फाइबर,भिटामिन And minerals found. One hundred grams of pomegranate eating about 65 kg of body calories energy comes from hamramo. It is also used to make many Ayurvedic medicine.
Pomegranate blood-related disease is averted potential. It reduces blood pressure, swelling or burns Miyuki organ does, is likely to reduce disease. Even the prevention of cancer is considered the fruit cooperative.
Meeting the possibility of women and men masculine promote anarale. This healthy fruit more than two hundred studies / research have been. The Haifa University Prof. ijaraila. Ape | m laskile the pectin enzyme useful ingredients that protect the body, the immune system have been confirmed. According to the study, it contains vitamins, mineral substances and entiaksidentale colds, Pa m Luma feasible way to experience firsthand the rest will not.
Anarale skin, breast, and prostate gland, including cancer and stomach ulcers reduction in chances. American doctors as described in the brine increases the vrdghavasthama Alzheimer's disease can reduce the risk of him.
Scientists pomegranate red wine or green tea as compared to three to four times more antioxidants, have been paliphelona that PPS | m ryadikalsalai works tying.
According to experiments after taking a varsamma Pomegranate 'arteriyosklerasisa' the artery related to the patient's throat artery thickness decreased by 30 percent. Similarly, high blood pressure, 21 percent, came down and hit the hardening of the heart tend to be close to the arterial tension has to improve blood flow by 17 percent in three months, I'm doomed!

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